Sunday, September 2, 2012

Staring into the Void

Who is this child to oppose? Looking at me so. Those Eyes,
are dangerous, deceptive. Those Eyes... They have no fear in them,
Blinding as Apollo standing in the golden sun.
An unknown unity, clouds blending skies brilliantly
with only winds subtle tumble promising movement.
Mesmerizing  me! Their glossy moistness never blinks,
Never falters. Constantly overwhelming, pulling, tugging.
Almost encompassing my spirit. Clouds trotting, extending
to a gallop. Hooves crashing splashing the earth as though Zeus
FLASH! was hurling upon each step. Thunder rumbling my bones.
I am shaken. The warmth has disappeared. Stars invade.
I no longer feel the freedom of the world. I am taken,
bound, this must be the beginning. Those eyes... Rapture.
self is hidden by shadow, an emptiness. What eyes are these?
Distraught with destruction. Those Eyes...
They are Chaos.

This is an excerpt from a children's book i am writing.
In actuality the description is about the power of The god Lavonicus, and his power the Gaze!
And for all who have study mythology the reference to chaos should point out the obvious connection to or class and its subject matter. Happy hunting to those that do not understand.

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